October 07, 2009

One Week Old

Baby's cord stub fell off today and he's one week old. We should have a cake.

My body has changed in the last week, it's hard to believe. Pre-pregnancy, I was 105. Went up to 132lbs at the highest. Was 120 when I got home from the hospital. Today I'm 115.

Best quote of the day from Hubby in regards to Baby: "omg, he's so cute, he could sh*t in a plate and I couldn't get angry."

Second best quote from Hubby while speaking to the diaper service pick up guy while I'm yelling in the background for them to wait because I have one more: "what? wait, my wife has something to tell you....*runs upstairs to see me and I hand him a poopy diaper*...oh, um, here's another diaper." My wife has something to tell you. LOL

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