November 27, 2012

The First I Love You

Every night before bed, Hubby rocks the Little Man and I come in and get my good night kiss. I say "Good Night, Little Man" and sometimes, but not always, he says, "Good Night, Mama!"

Then I usually say, "I love you!" and he usually just looks at me or ignores me or whatever and it's no big deal. Last night for the first time ever though, he responded with, "I love you, mama."

This was wonderful and surprising, but probably not in the way you'd expect from a mama. It was significant because it means he understands the complex syntax and the social use of it. He doesn't have to feel love when he says the words, we already have our nose beep system for that, it's the comprehension and production of language that is interesting.

You see, he didn't just parrot back, "I love you Little Man" or just "I love you" - it's more complex to understand that the subject of the sentence changes. It means his little brain is learning tons about language. That's very cool!

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